Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Our 15 minutes of fame ;)

The other day me and Steinar (the bf) felt the need for a huge night out in the city.
We ended up in Amplifier (a club in Perth) and got fairly smashed and danced the night away.
Somewhere along the line a photographer, or should I say paparazzi from the Xpress music magazine came and took a photo of us as we were dancing. And this photo was the result.

In the next week at my film school I was just minding my own business, waiting for my class to start when I spotted the new Xpress music magazine fresh from the printers. And there we were, the first photo in the scenery section! I had completely forgotten.
But I thought to myself: "Look at us, The ambassadors for the good times in Amplifier...hahaha!"

I have to admit that this photo rocks;)

Thats all from me...x


  1. Mikið erum við flott á okkur þarna. Sérst varla að maður hafi drukkið yfir 7 bjóra =)

  2. great photo! your bf is icelandic too? so cute!
    amplifier can be lots of fun :)
