Friday, 26 June 2009

Party Animals!

You gotta love those crazy fancy dress parties! What a night that was...
There is always that one or two best parties that stand out every year and this one totally takes the cake this year. The theme was Circus, Cabaret or Crazy club kids.
A bit of a tricky one but I ended up going as my interpretation of a crazy club kid.
Even though the original ones would have dressed more extravagantly than I did but it worked:)
For those who do not know, the crazy club kids was a movement in the 80's where people dressed up...well crazy and spent way too much time in the clubs, clubbing. For those who want more info on that then I recommend watching the movie 'Party Monster' or reading 'Disco Bloodbath'.
A shame that you can't really see the crazy makeup I did on myself that I was so proud of on the photos but you get the idea.

Peace out! x

Sunday, 21 June 2009

.::Ebay Treats::.

As some of you might know, I am a bit of an Internet shop-a-holic and totally addicted to eBay.
You would think that this is a bad thing since I'm a poor student. Well, it's really not. In these terrible economic times I have found the perfect way to get rid of my old clothes that I don't use anymore by selling them and then fill my closet up with new ones with the money that I make ...How awesome is that! The funnest recycling process and what a nice way to combine my love for fashion and Vintage clothing.

These are just examples of the treasures I've won on eBay for bargain prices.

Remember to comment...Peace out!

Thursday, 11 June 2009


Sorry guys for the lack of blogging recently as you remember a couple of blogs down that I have been super busy in the last few weeks and finally I can relax a little...for now!
So I'd like to fill you in of what has been going on in my busy schedule. I ended up being on 5 film shoots in one week so I wont go into major details otherwise I'd be writing all night!

*So lets start with my first baby. My Charlie Chaplin inspired black&white silent film called "The Line" (Photos above). I shot this film for a film festival who is especially for 8mm films. I wont see the finished product until they process the film for me and score it, then show it on a real cinema screen IF I get into the top20. Fingers crossed! It went really well and it even has dialogue cards that I made myself...very arty I know hehe;) I was also very lucky that my actress knew the owner at The Deen, one of the popular nightclubs in Perth who opened it for me just for my film. Lots of fun on that shoot!

*My second baby ("Money well spent") we shot it at my house and at a friends house in Mt Lawley. It also went better than I thought it would even though the day started all horribly wrong!!! I was so prepared for my shoot but it all backfired on me when I actually forgot to set my alarm and I was awakened by my actors calling me from out front, how embarrassing! But I got myself together at lightning speed and successfully shot the film without any major dramas...hurray for that:)

*Later that day we filmed my bf's 8mm film which unfortunatly did not work out as planned:( It was all going really well and as soon as he called "That's a Wrap" his face completely dropped. He had made a really annoying mistake. He had forgotten to adjust the frame rate to 24 frames which basically means the whole film was shot in slow motion!!! OOO the humanity!
He sent it anyway and let's hope for the best.

*The day after we shot my bf's other film which went really well (thank heavens). We all had such a good time filming it because it's such a funny script. And one of the actors just couldn't stop making me laugh which was kind of bad since I was the sound person but what a character!

*And last but not least the weirdest and most randomest shoot ever or should I say moments in my life!!! Straight after the "Money well spent" shoot we got called in to help with an other 8mm film that me and my crew gladly excepted. How we had no idea what we had gotten ourselves into. We turned up to this dodgy as ever house that could easily be knocked down with a toy hammer and the inside matched the outside perfectly. After getting over the mess and the smell of the house they explained to us that the film was about skinheads...interesting. All in good fun, until the house literally got smashed even more and the most disgusting all the hair in the sink after the guys got their hair shaved off for the characters in the film. We left the house for the outside shots and just left the door open without thinking and when we got back there were people inside the house! We managed to find out they were potential tenants looking at a room for rent. That's when we got told that one of the actors had broken into his mates house to shoot the film and he didn't know we were there...SHIIIT! The whole house was more of a mess then it was before and the hair in the sink, people looked at it with disgust and just left. When we had just wrapped on the film the owner arrived and boy was he angry and we got it all on tape hahaha! What a funny situation!
Good times.

Well that's film making for you...not as glamorous as you thought hey.

Stay tuned for more blogs soon and please comment!

Ciao x